my everyday life

my everyday life
credits to ennoki or owner

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Thirdworld countries

Thinking of my blog's title -"life on a third world country" I haven't even focused on real third world countries and the stats and the conditions in there, so I will try to cover a little stats on third world countries, though I will focus more on the known countries (especially Ph because I live here hahaha)

Here is a list of third world countries according to their GNI

GNI per capita
1Timor-LesteSouth-East Asia*400
2MalawiEastern Africa596
3SomaliaEastern Africa*600
4Democratic Republic of the CongoMiddle Africa675
5TanzaniaEastern Africa720
6YemenMiddle East745
7BurundiEastern Africa753
8AfghanistanCentral Asia*800
9Guinea-BissauWestern Africa856
10EthiopiaEastern Africa859
11NigerWestern Africa896
12LiberiaWestern Africa*900
13Sierra LeoneWestern Africa901
14MadagascarEastern Africa911
15ZambiaEastern Africa911
16EritreaEastern Africa917

Sources: IMF -- International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2005
(*) CIA The World Factbook (covers countries not mentioned by the IMF, information may refer to 2004 or earlier.)
Slightly different figures you will find at The World Bank Group

There are more lists in here If you want to browse more stats.

For a country to be tagged as a third world country, many factors are there, which you can see at the link above where the author categorized it.

As you can see only 3 of the countries in top 16 aren't from Africa which only proves that Africa still needs a long way to go
for the country and the people itself could prosper more. But on the brighter side there are many things in Africa that is to be amazed of
The continent itself is a vast basket of nature and a very beautiful one.

lets just continue this post on my next blog, gonna play minecraft now with my bro :D

Friday, June 20, 2014

Reminiscing a little yesterday

Hello outsider, have you ever wondered how graduation looks like in third world countries like Ph? everything is just like yours, it's much simple though all those hopes for a better future is there, the loneliness in parting ways, and the great happiness in the first step to the real life. Most of graduations look like this:

Sometimes a graduation ball could be held:
In dark cold places where everyone could enjoy (or make out haha)
match ups are made and everyone could pick up girls for dance. For the girls you might end up having a good looking strong, and handsome guy
Some girls would also have bad days, with bad match ups lol
And it is the only day were enemies will be good chums and pals

ooooh a lesbian couple....... interesting

 (just kidding dianne and angelika) thanks to those whose face are here without any of your permission, these are my pictures though :D

"Right now God is writing a new chapter in our life" - That is my status on Facebook on the day of my high school graduation. Ahhhhh the nostalgic feeling on graduations having the last time together as a class, remembering all the foolish things that rebellious teens do, chasing skirts, cutting classes, and laughing all day long because of foolish things, getting into fights(I'm not the one in the fight though I organize them lol).

Time flies so fast that you'll never now what hit you but as my classmate Eugene Lamando said~
"The good and bad thing about life is that time will eventually come but time will also eventually pass" 
one of the wise words that I have heard from anyone inside that bloody school.

So much for that throwback part, I don't want to linger much on those memories. --- by the way the reason that I want to post is the facebook function at this link~~~  in my opinion the whole idea was really great. It gave me a look on the past and made me smile, laugh and sadden a bit with the pictures that I had
which all held memories to me - "a picture tells a thousand words" right? haha
Another reason for these throwback thing is the anime that I am watching now~

It's a comedy genre. It's title is: Daily lives of High school boys..... wait Ill get a picture

I'll put it on a sequence giving you the entire story of the first episode

that's all for now, till next blog(probably I'm the only one that reads this though hahaha)

Monday, June 16, 2014

This is the first post and everyone... (or probably no one) might be wondering why I made this blog here are some reasons:

-I was bored, being unable to return to college because of financial problems I stopped a semester and I am now an official bum hahaha :D
-I have always wanted to make a blog regardless if there will be any readers.
-I want to widen the understanding of the international netizens on how life on third world countries really happen.
-share whatever I discover in my life that is interesting :D

Thank you and hope you will read some :)  

ps if you want something to be posted contact me @