my everyday life

my everyday life
credits to ennoki or owner

Friday, June 20, 2014

Reminiscing a little yesterday

Hello outsider, have you ever wondered how graduation looks like in third world countries like Ph? everything is just like yours, it's much simple though all those hopes for a better future is there, the loneliness in parting ways, and the great happiness in the first step to the real life. Most of graduations look like this:

Sometimes a graduation ball could be held:
In dark cold places where everyone could enjoy (or make out haha)
match ups are made and everyone could pick up girls for dance. For the girls you might end up having a good looking strong, and handsome guy
Some girls would also have bad days, with bad match ups lol
And it is the only day were enemies will be good chums and pals

ooooh a lesbian couple....... interesting

 (just kidding dianne and angelika) thanks to those whose face are here without any of your permission, these are my pictures though :D

"Right now God is writing a new chapter in our life" - That is my status on Facebook on the day of my high school graduation. Ahhhhh the nostalgic feeling on graduations having the last time together as a class, remembering all the foolish things that rebellious teens do, chasing skirts, cutting classes, and laughing all day long because of foolish things, getting into fights(I'm not the one in the fight though I organize them lol).

Time flies so fast that you'll never now what hit you but as my classmate Eugene Lamando said~
"The good and bad thing about life is that time will eventually come but time will also eventually pass" 
one of the wise words that I have heard from anyone inside that bloody school.

So much for that throwback part, I don't want to linger much on those memories. --- by the way the reason that I want to post is the facebook function at this link~~~  in my opinion the whole idea was really great. It gave me a look on the past and made me smile, laugh and sadden a bit with the pictures that I had
which all held memories to me - "a picture tells a thousand words" right? haha
Another reason for these throwback thing is the anime that I am watching now~

It's a comedy genre. It's title is: Daily lives of High school boys..... wait Ill get a picture

I'll put it on a sequence giving you the entire story of the first episode

that's all for now, till next blog(probably I'm the only one that reads this though hahaha)

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