my everyday life

my everyday life
credits to ennoki or owner

Thursday, July 10, 2014

I aleraedy tlod you! I am Rnaodm

I think that my blog posts are as random and unorganized like this post's title, and that's why I have a hard time filling in my blog with reasonable posts, Therefore I arrived to a conclusion to be normally random as I can be.

It raelly is wnodreufll how our mnid can sitll raed tehse wrods eevn thoguh I rmabled it good.

Whats only important for our brain is the first and last letter
I am just tired of these posts in the internet especially on facebook. Even posts about math like this kind of ticks me off.

Some of these people only wants to show off that they know how to solve, which even an 8th grader could possibly solve.

Speaking of 8th graders, yesterday afternoon as I delivered the lunchbox of my 8th grade brother, I wondered what to post in this blog.... I even wondered what is the real purpose of my blog....
While at deep thought about tackling various topics like politics, world peace, the widening effect of global warming and how the stock market works... suddenly a 14 wheeler truck accelerates pass by me, and with a speed about 45 kph it leaves a dust cloud and a pancake.... yes, a pancake of blood and fur... what a dreadful and disgusting sight to see... how cute things like these:

Can suddenly be these: 

Then it hits me! it hits me just like how the truck pancakes the poor cat... what I wanted to write was what I unravel on my path.... and what's on my path now is a pancake, yes this post's topic is about pancakes (or crushed cats). I didn't want to get a picture of the cat out of respect for its death. That cat was probably a stray, which is common in third world countries like ours. There are only few dog catchers here that is why stray dogs and cats can freely patrol the streets everyday. There are also many pet dogs that are not chained which could be a threat not only to filthy robbers but also to innocent passer bys like me. ( I got chased by a dog while returning home.... what luck huh?)

I know only one organization here in PH that helps in animal welfare- the "PAWS" organization. They also prevent deaths of animals especially dog meat vendors and dog fight cages. 

We also have dogs. We have two which are named White -T and White-T junior (yup its a pup). We taught junior some stuffs already like leaving the house and not pooping inside it. To teach a dog you should always stimulate them, either a hard pat to remember or give a treat as a reward when they finish a task. Junior always eat a lot, he almost eats half of his size and we are troubled and weary if we are overfeeding him.

Well I don't have much to say(or write) now so here is akatsuki-san for you. Bye, I hope I wasted your time :D.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

For saving purpose

I Just wanted to save some of the .gif files that I have :v

These are mine:

While these files are the ones that I got from the net :v

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

We also play games here in PH!

Games! Games! and Games!- PH players to be banned in dota 2? men that just sucks... we all just want to play right? when I was young, and pc games such as Counter strike, halflife, halo, or other uprising games weren't popular yet, what we favored flash player games. Games that can be played with your browser and didn't need any installations (except for the flash player).

I wondered why only little info were written about these awesome games that we have played so I have decided to share some of our old played games.

Hmmmmm let's start with this game:

~ Box head 2 play

There have been multiple editions of the boxhead flash games such as Box head more rooms, box head survival and other versions of it, but among all of the boxhead versions, boxhead 2 play has been ranking high and we enjoyed it among all the series because of its cooperative gameplay or death match which is very entertaining if played with your friend or brothers. The gameplay on cooperative mode is simple, every round a wave of zombies with demons will spawn and it's your job to get rid of them, weapon upgrades such as the uzi or grenades will be received if constant kills will be done and if you reach a certain number in the meter displayed. Other options can be done such as the hell mode which is really hard.
The game play isn't really hard but sometimes you will need a strategy for building up those walls and barrels. If the stage is set up properly, it will give a fast wave finish and can possibly cause an upgrade for guns
Uzi are used for long range shots reliable but lacks damage and aoe skills.
shotguns are very reliable and has high damage capabilities but having a small range can be a problem
railguns are good combinations with walls to easily cut down demons but its slow fire rate isn't that good.
Bombs, barrels and mines are reliable but be careful if friendly fire is on.
~ overall all you need is cooperation for this game (that is why I used to play it with my bros)

-Next is Backyards buzzing.

At first glance you would think of the game as a lousy baby's game, but if you played it well It would make an interesting game that brings out strategic game play out of us. You fight with different races of insects and start off with the basic units, the ants. Try it and it will be worth the time.
You might say that I'm stupid for liking this game, but it's really good hahaha :D
Tips: Don't mass produce the ants quality>quantity.

Wait What? a random assasin-san appears :v

-Warlords 2

Both warlords one and two has been a great game to play but on the first game the archers were overpowered that the game play was changed a bit in the second series where the archers were nerfed properly. Its an interesting game to play and its also a strategy game. You can play in different races such as humans, demons, elves and many more. some races can only be played in armorgames but others need to be unlocked by finishing the whole  game.
Tips: Using the human race is the best for beginners, it has average stats and unique units that are reliable for staging a good and easy finish of the game.

-School wars

School wars is a very strategic game. These four different colors represent four different schools that boasts of four different advantages to their rival schools. 

Here are the pros and cons of each school
pros: The medium stats type it has average health, respawn and damage
Cons: being the average type, you must be careful because you don't have much of an advantage to the other schools
Pros: the green types are schools that have many students in it, thus respawn of members are rapid and they number really high, really a threat if too many and can do multiple conquests
Cons: "together we stand, together we fall" The green ones lack in damage and in health which only makes it's numbers the key for success.
Pros: The yellow school is the toughest out there, they have the most health and are good hitters
Cons: They are a bit lower in attacking power than black and respawn is a little slow, conquering the spades space will be the key for success.
Pros: Its my favorite school! hahaha It has the highest attack damage. and respawn is average.
Cons: Its health isn't that big that's why proper micro management is the key for success, level up each individual until they get big health bars then conquer!

-Dragonfable, Adventure quests, mech quest.

Dragonfable was one of the first rpg games that can be played via browsers, it didn't required any installations and can be played in any computer shops with internet connections and good flash installed.
It was a great hit among youngsters then. Some even bought premium memberships to boast with their playmates. It was probably my first rpg and we got hooked up to it that it took much of hour times leveling up for the competition.
TIPS: nothing that I can tip about because I was still the typical noob back then when I played this game (getting sub classes like dragon slayer or vampire slayer are the best way to level up though)

Among all these flash games what I really enjoyed back then was this game:


I got the picture Here don't judge me for such low quality picture hahaha that blog shows many things about games and its a good site if your really into games whatever genre it is.

-Back to my own blog,....... The reason why I decided to name this game as my favorite flash game is because of its unique gameplay and I really love conquering ( maybe I was once a general on my past lives haha)

Feudalism is a strategy game just like what I have posted above, You begin as an adventurer/commander that has limited troops and gold, the ultimate goal is to conquer all cities. In the Feudalism 2 you can pick your character that has different skills and stats, but in feudalism 1 you start in one city depending on you and you control your stats to enable use of some items, get your health bar higher and many more. 

Tips: better to start on the islands of the east because the cities' distances aren't that much that it can prevent bandit encounters that could lessen your troops... having little troops, what you first need to do is to accept quests such as delivery to some cities nearby. The delivery quest isn't hard and at the same time you get paid well. After establishing a reliable small army, you can move on to quests such as defeating small scale bandits were you will rewarded and you can sell your loots to shops. Selling your loots is the best way to go to the top! If you find the loots unimportant just sell it and use every valuable weaponry you can get. one handed weapons are great for building up your character but you can also use a
two handed weapons and a range weapon such as a bow, a crossbow or a shuriken. Being the commander, using ranged weapons is the best thing you can do because you shouldn't take unnecessary damage for your army.
~troops- In feudalism 1 the first troops that you should get are either the shoguns, the two handed swordmans and a lot of support crowssbowmen. the front lines should be your toughest among the army. If you can already afford things, You should upgrade your army and use mounted units, because mounted units doesn't only last long, they also have the mobility for fights. The second to the last units of must haves are the oil throwers, They bash out serious damage to enemies but are dangerous to use because of Friendly fire. you can also acquire your own oil bomb by buying it on the desert cities and use it to conquer the land of the black samurai. The number one on "the troops must have" list is the black samurai they are tough and powerful, almost an unbeatable army that you can have. If you have successfully acquired them, you can rampage through the whole maps to conquer!!!! 

At some point in the game, a computer opponent comes, the opponent also conquers cities and has a reliable army you would at some point clash with them (at feudalism 1).

The feudalism II also has the function "defeat the town champion" - It gives a good reward and loot but expect it to be really hard.

well that's all for today I hope I entertained you even for a bit .
I'm gonna go to a hamburger festival for now. sayonara!
I hope you will read my next blog again ^^

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy 100+ views :D

Well I know that it's not much of a news and probably around 20 views were my own views but still it's a celebration! HAHAHA thank you to those viewers who weren't supposed to be viewing my worthless blog.

For the unknown support here is a spam advertisement. Lol just kidding. Many website with good traffic usually has these kind of advertisements but please do not be FOOLED it is an obvious scam or attention getting site that only wants one thing: Your MONEY! so please don't be fooled :D

< just look at this pathetic add, it says your the 99th visitor yet 1888 people has already visited the site.

And here is assasin-san to remind you :D "don't be stupid"

But here is the real gift from me :D A .gif file made by yours truly :D
Stick figure fighting.gif
I know that I still suck at flash just bear with me lol.

thanks for reading and wasting your time for a minute :D