my everyday life

my everyday life
credits to ennoki or owner

Thursday, July 10, 2014

I aleraedy tlod you! I am Rnaodm

I think that my blog posts are as random and unorganized like this post's title, and that's why I have a hard time filling in my blog with reasonable posts, Therefore I arrived to a conclusion to be normally random as I can be.

It raelly is wnodreufll how our mnid can sitll raed tehse wrods eevn thoguh I rmabled it good.

Whats only important for our brain is the first and last letter
I am just tired of these posts in the internet especially on facebook. Even posts about math like this kind of ticks me off.

Some of these people only wants to show off that they know how to solve, which even an 8th grader could possibly solve.

Speaking of 8th graders, yesterday afternoon as I delivered the lunchbox of my 8th grade brother, I wondered what to post in this blog.... I even wondered what is the real purpose of my blog....
While at deep thought about tackling various topics like politics, world peace, the widening effect of global warming and how the stock market works... suddenly a 14 wheeler truck accelerates pass by me, and with a speed about 45 kph it leaves a dust cloud and a pancake.... yes, a pancake of blood and fur... what a dreadful and disgusting sight to see... how cute things like these:

Can suddenly be these: 

Then it hits me! it hits me just like how the truck pancakes the poor cat... what I wanted to write was what I unravel on my path.... and what's on my path now is a pancake, yes this post's topic is about pancakes (or crushed cats). I didn't want to get a picture of the cat out of respect for its death. That cat was probably a stray, which is common in third world countries like ours. There are only few dog catchers here that is why stray dogs and cats can freely patrol the streets everyday. There are also many pet dogs that are not chained which could be a threat not only to filthy robbers but also to innocent passer bys like me. ( I got chased by a dog while returning home.... what luck huh?)

I know only one organization here in PH that helps in animal welfare- the "PAWS" organization. They also prevent deaths of animals especially dog meat vendors and dog fight cages. 

We also have dogs. We have two which are named White -T and White-T junior (yup its a pup). We taught junior some stuffs already like leaving the house and not pooping inside it. To teach a dog you should always stimulate them, either a hard pat to remember or give a treat as a reward when they finish a task. Junior always eat a lot, he almost eats half of his size and we are troubled and weary if we are overfeeding him.

Well I don't have much to say(or write) now so here is akatsuki-san for you. Bye, I hope I wasted your time :D.

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